Join the PIER project

Connect with socially conscious organizations, consumers, investors and others
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Join the PIER Project

Step 1: Create a PIER, Public Interactive ESG Roadmap.

Step 2: Invite stakeholders, prospective customers, employees, or members of WeNetwork’s sustainability community.

Step 3: Create activities. WeNetwork will help you host sustainability contests, collaborations, focus groups, etc.

Step 4: Consider upgrading to premium features or engaging WeNetwork consultants to grow your stakeholder network faster and more efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

PIER Project is a movement towards greater transparency and collaboration between the organization and its stakeholders. PIERs provide a common platform for discussions, crowdsourcing, and consensus voting on important issues related to environmental, social, and governance.

Any organization committed to transparency and collaboration with its stakeholders can participate.

Better stakeholder loyalty, improved transparency, enhanced brand image, competitive advantage, and networking effects.

We offer 100% free service and premium upgrades for SMEs and enterprise customers, while educational organizations can join for free. Click here to start.

WeNetwork pioneered decentralized ESG practices, unlike traditional ESG, which is driven by regulation, standardization, or investment protocols. dESG is stakeholder-driven to define the uniquely suitable approach to any organization. The result is a more organic approach driven by competitive advantage and stakeholder engagement.

Absolutely! The PIER project helps businesses of any size grow, foster responsibility, and build loyalty by engaging customers, employees, and investors.

Yes, it's simple! Step 1: Create a PIER, Public Interactive ESG Roadmap. Step 2. Invite stakeholders, prospective customers, employees, or members of WeNetwork’s sustainability community. Step 3. Create activities. WeNetwork will help you host sustainability contests, collaborations, focus groups, etc. Step 4: Consider upgrading to premium features or engaging WeNetwork consultants to grow your stakeholder network faster and more efficiently.

PIER is a part of the movement towards decentralized ESG, where ESG decisions are made in collaboration with your stakeholders as opposed to regulatory or financial dictates. dESG is driven by competitive advantage—stakeholders these days want sustainability, collaboration, and value alignment. This makes it practical and affordable for organizations of all sizes, types, and locations. Obviously, organizations will still be required to adhere to any regulatory mandates. dESG is complementary with traditional ESG and supports greater stakeholder engagement in issues that impact them the most.