We-Watch Business Roadmap
10th Dec
Completed validation of concept and scope of service, start building MVP
Since founding of the company in August 2020, months were spent going through BMC, scope refinement, user validation surveys, and concept validation working with a software engineer consultant. All of these steps gave leverage to a small friends and family round of funding, which lead to building of MVP prototype application.
1st Aug
Finish MVP
Developed functional prototype on an android native build which served to demo and deliver functionality on a limited basis
9th May
Begin build of scalable We-Watch v.1.0 using React & React Native with AWS backend
Build features key functionality such as medical-grade data encryption, 2FA, password encryption, default anonymity for user interactions, embedded chat feature between users, media upload and display mechanisms, URL report generation, real-time location tracking, and incident approval mechanism for quality assurance oversight
22nd May
Sold first license
Sold our first paid pilot license to a Business Improvement Area, in Toronto, Ontario Canada. License was sold based on service concept with the help of the first MVP. The license gives access to main street businesses and their staff to report incidents, so as to notify other businesses of risks, and share information and media to help with incident response in the community and loss prevention.
The client has a key interest to access intelligence generated from reporting of a curated list of incidents that affect their community.
1st Jul
Begin multi-channel sales market validation
Opportunities exist to deploy the We-Watch service in multiple markets including Managed Security Services, Industrial Health & Safety, Property Management, Retail Enterprises, and other Public Sector Applications
7th Sep
Scheduled demo with large Canadian managed security company
During intro call, the prospect indicated a key pain point being stakeholder engagement for their client sites (including residential, commercial and industrial)
Demo meeting will help with discovery to position We-Watch as a key SaaS solution for managed security firms.
30th Jan
Target of $15,000 MRR
Join We-Watch - Automated Canvassing - Public Safety SaaS's Business Subnetwork
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We-Watch - Automated Canvassing - Public Safety SaaS
Rewards for social and environmental contributions
Engage groups of people to progress creative solutions through community
Show what you’ve done and where you are going- interactively with your stakeholders or the public
PIERS- Public Interactive ESG Roadmaps
Collaborate with the pubic to make better decisions on social, environmental and governance
Qualified participants can submit solutions to collaborations for vote by communities. Earn Hero Points or money sponsorship rewards where applicable if your solution receives the most verified, qualifying votes
Roadmaps are a new way to solve challenges with community networks. You can host a collaboration to solve an issue and invite members of other WEN subnetworks or create your own. You can also join collaborations and earn hero points, rewards or in some cases sponsorship.
Participation rules

We’re committed to free and open engagement with the focus on solving a challenge or improving our world through community collaboration and consensus.

So obviously, please keep it civil, but above and beyond that—hosts and/or WeNetwork also reserve the right to remove any posts (and in extreme cases, WeNetwork members) that violate the following basic rules:

  • No marketing or spam. Come on, you know this!
  • No masquerading, by either subjects or participants
    Roadmaps and collaboration can be hosted by third parties, just as long as long as ownership is accurately identified.
    So, for instance, anyone can create a roadmap for JPMorgan as long as they are clear that they are not affiliated with JPMorgan, if that is the case. And no participant may falsely represent themselves as an affiliate, either.
    Users are required to disclose any material conflicts of interest in posts of any type.
  • Relevance to solution
    No “look there’s a squirrel” stuff—stay on topic, relevant, and constructive.
  • Age limit
    You must be 18 to use this site. If you are young, smart and engaged and really want to participate, please contact us for information about obtaining parental permission.
  • Not a complaint site
    Our platform is intended for crowdsourcing solutions. Any post attempting to disparage, defame or otherwise attack any business or individual is subject to removal.
    If you have a specific problem with any organization, including WeNetwork or any of its members, please email team@WeNetwork.app.
  • Qualifications to post a solution
    Anyone is welcome to post a civil, relevant and constructive comment. In most cases, though, posting a formal solution requires a minimum level of hero points. Solutions posted by anyone who doesn’t have enough hero points will be forwarded to the host for consideration.
By using this site you agree to abide by the rules set out by WeNetwork and any collaboration host.