Join the WeNetwork. Grow faster. Grow smarter

Choose the features that are right for your business
(All included in a single monthly subscription price)
Create an innovation contest
Harvest the collective creativity of your users or WeNetwork members Start an innovation contest now.
Save up to 80% on dispute/complaint resolution
Offer your users network mediation or private arbitration. Avoid litigation costs and damaged consumer relationships.
Manage and promote your ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)

Align your values with your consumers, employees and public.

Grow faster.

Create a free focus group
Test new ideas, products or marketing campaigns with a WeNetwork focus group before spending time or money on failed approaches.
Crowd-Fund new projects or products
Connect with WeNetwork members to presell new products and fund business development
(equity funding is subject to regulatory requirements).
Crowd-source community-based answers from
  • Industry insiders
  • Your own consumers
  • Consumers by demographic
  • Legal and other professionals
How it works
  • 1 Sign up
  • 2Get the plugin (optional)
  • 3Use the options that work best for your business- you can add or remove features at anytime
  • 4Grow your network you can invite your current users or connect with new prospective users from the WeNetwork
Why Join the WeNetwork
  • Connect with new consumers
  • Build a moat around your existing users by engaging them in your decision process
  • Use feedback from network members to make better decisions and solve problems more effectively
  • Access on-demand, consensus legal, consumer and professional answers at no additional cost
  • Experience" to "Generate"; change "more competitively" to "make it more competitive
  • Add the WeNetwork plug-in to your site to create a powerful network of users, employees and other stake holders
Join the WeNetwork
Connect with our fast growing network of consumers, investors and industry insiders to make your core business functions faster, cheaper and better
Join as a startup
  • Crowdsource ideas, funding and new users
  • Sponsor innovation contests - 5 per month
  • Add ESG Integration to align your values with investors, employees and user
  • Scale by community
  • Scale your userbase
Only $49/month. Cancel anytime. Fully refundable during the first 3 months if not completely satisfied
Join as a small to medium size business
  • Create an innovation contest
  • Invite the network and/or existing users to help respond to any challenge
  • Crowdfund a project
  • Pre-sell new products to raise funds/create awareness
  • Connect with prospective consumers by making them part of your network
Only $49/month. Cancel anytime. Fully refundable during the first 3 months if not completely satisfied
Join as a large enterprise
  • Host innovation contests with network members
  • Run innovation contests at no additional cost
  • Save up to 85% on dispute resolution with network arbitration
  • Get consensus based answers to legal, technical and marketing questions from industry experts or selected network members
  • Create an independent advisory network to extend trust and credibility
$800/month lifetime for the first 1000 pilot program members
$1200/month for those signing up thereafter
Join as a consumer(Free)
  • Connect with WeNetwork businesses that make you part of their decision process
  • Earn rewards and discounts by participating in innovation contests and focus groups
  • Access special promotions from your favoitate local or national businesses
  • Resolve issues fairly and fast via network-based mediation
Frequently Asked Questions

WeNetwork makes your business more competitive by giving you unlimited access to free network features that large corporations pay thousands of dollars for—including (but definitely not limited to):

  • Hosting innovation contests and focus groups with our network members
  • Crowdsourcing answers to legal, technical or marketing questions from industry experts or consumers
  • Reducing the time and money costs of dispute resolution by up to 80%
  • Crowdsourcing funding for startups and new product development through our network investor members

Our evolving set up of community features can help you connect with new users, build a moat around your existing users and access actionable consensus information to grow your business and solve problems more efficiently.

WeNetwork is designed to allow your business maximum flexibility. You can choose which features are right for your organization. For example, you might want to invite the network to participate in your innovation contests but not offer community dispute resolution. That’s your choice. Same low prices for all or any of our network features.

Both. You can give your existing consumers access to your network-based features to improve consumer experience and feedback, increase loyalty and retention and/or recruit existing WeNetwork members to grow your network and connect with new prospective consumers.

Network effects happen when a product or service increases in value the more people use it. Email is a classic example. The more users, the more valuable the service becomes to each user. According to some studies, over 70% of the value of NASD technology stocks can be attributed to network effects that have allowed businesses like Facebook, Uber and LinkedIn to grow faster than conventional businesses and create moats around their user bases.

WeNetwork enables network effects for any size or type of business by providing a multidimensional digital platform that changes the way businesses interact with consumers, stakeholders and the public. Each WeNetwork business member can build their own networks. That allows users to participate by consensus in the business’s key decisions—wherever the management feels it’s both appropriate and value-added.

For example, a pizza restaurant could engage local network members to render consensus on the best new topping to add to their menu. This not only provides valuable consumer feedback but allows the host to provide incentives such as discount coupons to the voting block that forms the winning consensus. Benefits to the restaurant could include acquisition of new consumers, increased engagement and loyalty with existing consumers, referrals and publicity and crowdsourcing of valuable user feedback at no additional cost to the host. The bigger the network grows, the more valuable it is to both the host and other network members.

Our network features can add value to any size or type of business—even businesses that don’t work directly with the public can benefit from innovation contests and employee engagement or dispute resolution.

The best use of WeNetwork is to build a network of members that includes both your own existing consumers and new members from our network. Incorporating your consumers into your WeNetwork creates a tighter bond and allows you to build a moat around them, as well as upsell your product or services. When consumers have input into product development, dispute reposition and even governance or policy decisions, they become more than consumers—they become partners. But that’s your choice. You can open your WeNetwork to our existing members or limit it to your own consumers or both, at your discretion

We create network-based juries that vote on the blockchain (coming soon) to render consensus “verdicts” on the best resolution to any dispute or controversy. It's pretty simple. You can use it to replace unpopular and expensive arbitration panels or for simple disputes where you want to ensure that your consumers feel they’re getting an independent and unbiased resolution to their problem.

The process is pretty simple and has several variables that you can choose from. In a typical example, you can offer a set of acceptable resolution options to your customer or counterparty, e.g., refund, replacement, future discount, etc. Then the network votes to create a consensus option on which is fairest. You can control the options to be voted on or allow your counterparty to add their own, but you can always place limits on the resolution—e.g., $100 value. So, this allows our host businesses to offer choices and an independent jury consensus without losing control of the voting parameters. No lawyers, no expensive and unpredictable arbitration panels and your consumers or employees can’t blame you for the decision because it's a vote by a community of peers.

Typically, the host business decides who will be on the jury by category. You can also allow both sides to pick half the jury by type. For instance, you could choose lawyers, retired judges, industry insiders or consumers. Alternatively, you can leave it up to WeNetwork to recruit a jury pool that would be most objective and informed about the case.

Our Juries are scalable. So, while they’re typical in the 25–100-member range, there is no upper limit—100,1000, 10,000. The host decides the jury size, resolution options and jury composition in most cases, as well as the time to verdict—typically 1-5 days.

Our plugin allows you to add any of the network features directly onto your website, mobile application or social media. Your users can gain access to any of the WeNetwork features you’ve chosen to offer by simply clicking on the WeNetwork logo. Their choices could include joining an innovation contest or focus group, reporting a problem or participating in a crowdsourced funding for your business or a new product. Your customer never needs to leave your page and can sign up for any of the features you decide to offer. They can also just sign up to be kept informed about what’s going on with your business and to be notified whenever you offer a new innovation contest, focus group or anything else.

You can also list your innovation contests on our webpage directory to attract new users with rewards or discounts from visitors to our site.

We charge our pilot program members $25 per month for all of our features. That includes access to our growing community for focus groups, innovation contests, dispute resolution and advisory panels. You can use these features either via the plugin or on our website. There are no additional charges or fees for basic access to network consensus rendering or to create your own networks from your existing consumers. Pricing may increase later, but pilot program members are guaranteed our $25 per month fee for 24 months. Please see our pricing charge for 12- and 24-month subscriber discounts.