Business roadmap
Invite investors, small business owners to share ideas and FREE membership for a year can be offered for
19th Nov
Company established (ACTSON PTY LTD)

ACTSON meaning:

Act today on what you believe can be the Next Gen's Tomorrow.
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21st Jan
Built IDEACLIP - Co-creation Platform to disrupt Yelp and Google online review that can often kill small businesses especially hospitality industry.
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1st Oct
IDEALCIP became an official collaboration parter of the NSW Government to promote 'NSW Small Business Month 2022' through the campaign called 'NSW Cheer Challenge'. It was all about bringing 'Free Hug' vibe in the community where people share 'cheer' messages with their favourite local businesses to uplift small businesses in creative forms such as singing, dancing, art, phtography or simply a video message.
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9th Jun
IDEACLIP received the Federal Government's Research & Development Grant of $20k for its innovation.
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1st Sep
IDEACLIP became an official collboration partner of the NSW Government to promote 'NSW Small Business Month 2023' through the campaign called 'NSW Talent Gifting Campaign'.

It was all about sharing the powerful story of 'talent gifting' either as a receiver or a giver.
Whether it be as an accountant, baker, hairdresser or even as a butcher, everybody has powerful stories to share that can uplift younger generation to dream big with HOPE.

Such talent gifting might haver inspired someone to be who they are, or at the same time, the person may have received talent gifting from someone that might have shaped who they are now.
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1st Nov
Starting working on a new project called Spazii - short-term space hiring platform to support local cafes & restaurants who are struggling with minimal wage increase, inflation and ever-increasing cost of living.
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1st Jan
Started builidng MVP for
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Join Spazii's Business Subnetwork
4000 characters remaining.
Rewards for social and environmental contributions
Engage groups of people to progress creative solutions through community
Show what you’ve done and where you are going- interactively with your stakeholders or the public
PIERS- Public Interactive ESG Roadmaps
Collaborate with the pubic to make better decisions on social, environmental and governance
Qualified participants can submit solutions to collaborations for vote by communities. Earn Hero Points or money sponsorship rewards where applicable if your solution receives the most verified, qualifying votes
Roadmaps are a new way to solve challenges with community networks. You can host a collaboration to solve an issue and invite members of other WEN subnetworks or create your own. You can also join collaborations and earn hero points, rewards or in some cases sponsorship.
Participation rules

We’re committed to free and open engagement with the focus on solving a challenge or improving our world through community collaboration and consensus.

So obviously, please keep it civil, but above and beyond that—hosts and/or WeNetwork also reserve the right to remove any posts (and in extreme cases, WeNetwork members) that violate the following basic rules:

  • No marketing or spam. Come on, you know this!
  • No masquerading, by either subjects or participants
    Roadmaps and collaboration can be hosted by third parties, just as long as long as ownership is accurately identified.
    So, for instance, anyone can create a roadmap for JPMorgan as long as they are clear that they are not affiliated with JPMorgan, if that is the case. And no participant may falsely represent themselves as an affiliate, either.
    Users are required to disclose any material conflicts of interest in posts of any type.
  • Relevance to solution
    No “look there’s a squirrel” stuff—stay on topic, relevant, and constructive.
  • Age limit
    You must be 18 to use this site. If you are young, smart and engaged and really want to participate, please contact us for information about obtaining parental permission.
  • Not a complaint site
    Our platform is intended for crowdsourcing solutions. Any post attempting to disparage, defame or otherwise attack any business or individual is subject to removal.
    If you have a specific problem with any organization, including WeNetwork or any of its members, please email
  • Qualifications to post a solution
    Anyone is welcome to post a civil, relevant and constructive comment. In most cases, though, posting a formal solution requires a minimum level of hero points. Solutions posted by anyone who doesn’t have enough hero points will be forwarded to the host for consideration.
By using this site you agree to abide by the rules set out by WeNetwork and any collaboration host.