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Howly - The Online Rental Marketplace
(Howly is a peer-to-peer rental platform changing how people access items. Save money, earn from your possessions, and build a sustainable sharing community at the convenience of your fingertips.)

Hey folks!

I stumbled upon Joe Knihnitski's brainchild - Howly - pitch and it got me buzzing with ideas about sustainability and resource-sharing. 🚀

Joe's platform seems promising in terms of resource optimization, but do you think there's room for improvement in its environmental impact? Are there ideas or tweaks you'd suggest to make Howly an even more eco-friendly force?

Sustainability isn't just a buzzword; it's a lifestyle. What are your thoughts on Howly's role in fostering a long-term commitment to sustainable living? Could it go beyond just sharing items and actively encourage a community dedicated to eco-friendly practices?

Jump in with your insights, opinions, and let's discuss together!

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