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Rhubarb - Innovation contest
Should Rhubarb the Future of Law Project enter the Divorce and Family Law market?
Rhubarb provided public juries who vote on the Blockchain to render verified consensus “verdicts” that help individuals and organizations make better decisions.

Applications include arbitrating disputes, fact-checking by consensus, product/business reviews, and business plan vetting. We are considering adding a service for crowdsourcing divorce settlement terms. The goal will be to save divorcing couples money and reduce acrimony by inviting juries of peers to render consensus on the fairest terms for both sides. Divorce cases will be anonymized and can be closed from public view.

Should Rhubarb enter the divorce and family law markets?

100% Voted for
Public Verdict
Yes, divorce is way too expensive and lawyers often aren’t the best solution
How the people voted
  • 100% - Yes, divorce is way too expensive and lawyers often aren’t the best solution
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